Case Study: Agency Increases Campaign Effectiveness
20ten discovers the best franchise partner for their client's brand and increases campaign effectiveness by 88%
Traditional market research often leaves unanswered questions that send strategists and planners scrambling for more segmented data about their target audiences. For full-service agency, 20ten, consumer survey data verified the value of a gaming franchise partnership, but the strategy team still needed data to identify a single, reliable franchise partner for their client.
Download the case study to read how 20ten leveraged social data from Infegy Atlas to:
- Fill in the gaps left by consumer survey data.
- Quickly compare potential gaming partners along key brand indicators.
- Strengthen and solidify their proposal with quantifiable insights from social data.
- Identify — with utmost confidence — a specific video game franchise with the tightest alignment to UK’s biggest consumer goods brandhouse.
You’ll learn how 20ten experienced campaign success — and earned huge brand wins for their client — using Infegy Atlas.