Find the answers to your consumer questions.
Combine the power of social media data and generative AI to provide real, trusted insights with Infegy’s Starscape platform.
Serving businesses of every scale, from emerging agencies to Fortune 500 companies.
"The customizable dashboards are user-friendly and allow for a high degree of personalization, ensuring that users can tailor the insights to meet their specific needs. Additionally, the platform's ability to handle large volumes of data and generate detailed, actionable reports is invaluable for making decisions."
Verified User in Marketing and Advertising
Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
AI that gives real insight
Trusted Insights
Gather AI insights you can actually build business strategies on and provide results
Next Level Analysis
Find the deeper insights your business needs, and drill into them from the same output
Stop wasting time
Our AI widgets do tasks that used to take hours, giving you time back for the work you love
Our data is the difference
AI in our DNA
Best-in-class sentiment analysis, plus emotional analysis in many languages
Diverse sources
The most popular social media channels plus forums, blogs, and news
Unlimited mentions and queries - whatever you need, whenever you need
Drag-and-drop querying
The most innovative visual query builder to make querying easy for all users - no boolean necessary
Complexity friendly
Create original queries by mixing entities, keywords, sources, or demography to get the right audience
Minutes to Insights
Large queries, lightning fast with generative AI insight query summaries
Customized social intelligence
Your data, your way
Thousands of ways to view your data, with the ability to customize to your KPIs and visualizations
Custom insights
Drag-and-drop your way to customized dashboards or just use a template to quick search
Share reports
Send your insights with any stakeholder whether they're inside or outside your company
We take your success seriously
Onboarding included
Fully built-out training and onboarding to get you comfortable with the tool
Award-winning support
Recognized on countless G2 Reviews for offering the best support and customer service
Client success
Dedicated client success team members to gain the insights you need